Source code for template.setup

# Utils
import colorlog
import inspect
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import random
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
import time
# Torch related stuff
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.parallel
import torch.optim
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter

# DeepDIVA
import models
from datasets import image_folder_dataset, bidimensional_dataset
from import compute_mean_std, compute_mean_std_segmentation
from import verify_integrity_quick, verify_integrity_deep
from util.misc import get_all_files_in_folders_and_subfolders

[docs]def set_up_model(output_channels, model_name, pretrained, no_cuda, resume, load_model, disable_databalancing, dataset_folder, inmem, workers, optimizer_name=None, criterion_name=None, num_classes=None, ablate=False, **kwargs): """ Instantiate model, optimizer, criterion. Load a pretrained model or resume from a checkpoint. Parameters ---------- output_channels : int Specify shape of final layer of network. Only used if num_classes is not specified. model_name : string Name of the model pretrained : bool Specify whether to load a pretrained model or not optimizer_name : string Name of the optimizer criterion_name : string Name of the criterion no_cuda : bool Specify whether to use the GPU or not resume : string Path to a saved checkpoint load_model : string Path to a saved model start_epoch : int Epoch from which to resume training. If if not resuming a previous experiment the value is 0 disable_databalancing : boolean If True the criterion will not be fed with the class frequencies. Use with care. dataset_folder : String Location of the dataset on the file system inmem : boolean Load the whole dataset in memory. If False, only file names are stored and images are loaded on demand. This is slower than storing everything in memory. workers : int Number of workers to use for the dataloaders num_classes: int Number of classes for the model ablate : boolean If True, remove the final layer of the given model. Returns ------- model : nn.Module The actual model criterion : nn.loss The criterion for the network optimizer : torch.optim The optimizer for the model best_value : float Specifies the former best value obtained by the model. Relevant only if you are resuming training. """ # Initialize the model'Setting up model {}'.format(model_name)) output_channels = output_channels if num_classes == None else num_classes model = models.__dict__[model_name](output_channels=output_channels, pretrained=pretrained, ablate=ablate, **kwargs) # Get the optimizer created with the specified parameters in kwargs (such as lr, momentum, ... ) if optimizer_name: optimizer = _get_optimizer(optimizer_name, model, **kwargs) if criterion_name: criterion = _get_criterion(criterion_name, disable_databalancing, dataset_folder, inmem, workers, **kwargs) # Transfer model to GPU (if desired) if not no_cuda:'Transfer model to GPU') model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model).cuda() criterion = criterion.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True # Load saved model if load_model: if os.path.isfile(load_model): # TODO: Remove or make param: map_location model_dict = torch.load(load_model, map_location='cpu')'Loading a saved model') try: model.load_state_dict(model_dict['state_dict'], strict=False) except Exception as exp: logging.warning(exp) else: logging.error("No model dict found at '{}'".format(load_model)) sys.exit(-1) # Resume from checkpoint if resume: if os.path.isfile(resume):"Loading checkpoint '{}'".format(resume)) checkpoint = torch.load(resume) best_value = checkpoint['best_value'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) # val_losses = [checkpoint['val_loss']] #not used?"Loaded checkpoint '{}' (epoch {})" .format(resume, checkpoint['epoch'])) else: logging.error("No checkpoint found at '{}'".format(resume)) sys.exit(-1) else: best_value = 0.0 # Some of these might be None depending on the input parameters return model, criterion, optimizer, best_value
def _load_class_frequencies_weights_from_file(dataset_folder, inmem, workers, runner_class, **kwargs): """ This function simply recovers class_frequencies_weights from the analytics.csv file Parameters ---------- dataset_folder : string Path string that points to the three folder train/val/test. Example: ~/../../data/svhn inmem : boolean Flag: if False, the dataset is loaded in an online fashion i.e. only file names are stored and images are loaded on demand. This is slower than storing everything in memory. workers : int Number of workers to use for the mean/std computation runner_class: string specifies the runner class (mean and std have to be computed differently for the semantic segmentation) Returns ------- ndarray[double] Class frequencies for the selected dataset, contained in the analytics.csv file. """ csv_file = _load_analytics_csv(dataset_folder, inmem, workers, runner_class, **kwargs) return np.array([x for x in csv_file.ix[2, 1:].values if str(x) != 'nan']).astype(float) def _load_class_encodings(dataset_folder, inmem, workers, runner_class, **kwargs): """ This function simply recovers class_encodings from the analytics.csv file Parameters ---------- dataset_folder : string Path string that points to the three folder train/val/test. Example: ~/../../data/svhn inmem : boolean Flag: if False, the dataset is loaded in an online fashion i.e. only file names are stored and images are loaded on demand. This is slower than storing everything in memory. workers : int Number of workers to use for the mean/std computation runner_class: string specifies the runner class (mean and std have to be computed differently for the semantic segmentation) Returns ------- ndarray[double] Class encodings for the selected dataset, contained in the analytics.csv file. """ csv_file = _load_analytics_csv(dataset_folder, inmem, workers, runner_class, **kwargs) return np.array([x for x in csv_file.ix[3, 1:].values if str(x) != 'nan']).astype(int) def _get_optimizer(optimizer_name, model, **kwargs): """ This function serves as interface between the command line and the optimizer. In fact each optimizer has a different set of parameters and in this way one can just change the optimizer in his experiments just by changing the parameters passed to the entry point. Parameters ---------- optimizer_name: Name of the optimizers. See: torch.optim for a list of possible values model: The model with which the training will be done kwargs: List of all arguments to be used to init the optimizer Returns ------- torch.optim The optimizer initialized with the provided parameters """ # Verify the optimizer exists assert optimizer_name in torch.optim.__dict__ params = {} # For all arguments declared in the constructor signature of the selected optimizer for p in inspect.getfullargspec(torch.optim.__dict__[optimizer_name].__init__).args: # Add it to a dictionary in case it exists a corresponding value in kwargs if p in kwargs: params.update({p: kwargs[p]}) # Create an return the optimizer with the correct list of parameters return torch.optim.__dict__[optimizer_name](model.parameters(), **params) def _get_criterion(criterion_name, disable_databalancing, dataset_folder, inmem, workers, **kwargs): """ This function serves as an interface between the command line and the criterion. Parameters ---------- criterion_name : string Name of the criterion disable_databalancing : boolean If True the criterion will not be fed with the class frequencies. Use with care. dataset_folder : String Location of the dataset on the file system inmem : boolean Load the whole dataset in memory. If False, only file names are stored and images are loaded on demand. This is slower than storing everything in memory. workers : int Number of workers to use for the dataloaders Returns ------- torch.nn The initalized criterion """ # Verify that the criterion exists assert criterion_name in torch.nn.__dict__ # Instantiate the criterion criterion = torch.nn.__dict__[criterion_name]() if not disable_databalancing: try:'Loading weights for data balancing') weights = _load_class_frequencies_weights_from_file(dataset_folder, inmem, workers, **kwargs) criterion.weight = torch.from_numpy(weights).type(torch.FloatTensor) except: logging.warning('Unable to load information for data balancing. Using normal criterion') return criterion
[docs]def set_up_dataloaders(model_expected_input_size, dataset_folder, batch_size, workers, disable_dataset_integrity, enable_deep_dataset_integrity, inmem=False, **kwargs): """ Set up the dataloaders for the specified datasets. Parameters ---------- model_expected_input_size : tuple Specify the height and width that the model expects. dataset_folder : string Path string that points to the three folder train/val/test. Example: ~/../../data/svhn batch_size : int Number of datapoints to process at once workers : int Number of workers to use for the dataloaders inmem : boolean Flag: if False, the dataset is loaded in an online fashion i.e. only file names are stored and images are loaded on demand. This is slower than storing everything in memory. Returns ------- train_loader : val_loader : test_loader : Dataloaders for train, val and test. int Number of classes for the model. """ # Recover dataset name dataset = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(dataset_folder))'Loading {} from:{}'.format(dataset, dataset_folder)) ############################################################################################### # Load the dataset splits as images try: logging.debug("Try to load dataset as images") train_ds, val_ds, test_ds = image_folder_dataset.load_dataset(dataset_folder, inmem, workers) # Loads the analytics csv and extract mean and std mean, std = _load_mean_std_from_file(dataset_folder, inmem, workers, kwargs['runner_class']) # Set up dataset transforms logging.debug('Setting up dataset transforms') transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(model_expected_input_size), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=mean, std=std) ]) train_ds.transform = transform val_ds.transform = transform test_ds.transform = transform train_loader, val_loader, test_loader = _dataloaders_from_datasets(batch_size, train_ds, val_ds, test_ds, workers)"Dataset loaded as images") _verify_dataset_integrity(dataset_folder, disable_dataset_integrity, enable_deep_dataset_integrity) return train_loader, val_loader, test_loader, len(train_ds.classes) except RuntimeError: logging.debug("No images found in dataset folder provided") ############################################################################################### # Load the dataset splits as bidimensional try: logging.debug("Try to load dataset as bidimensional") train_ds, val_ds, test_ds = bidimensional_dataset.load_dataset(dataset_folder) # Loads the analytics csv and extract mean and std # TODO: update bidimensional to work with new load_mean_std functions mean, std = _load_mean_std_from_file(dataset_folder, inmem, workers, kwargs['runner_class']) # Bring mean and std into range [0:1] from original domain mean = np.divide((mean - train_ds.min_coords), np.subtract(train_ds.max_coords, train_ds.min_coords)) std = np.divide((std - train_ds.min_coords), np.subtract(train_ds.max_coords, train_ds.min_coords)) # Set up dataset transforms logging.debug('Setting up dataset transforms') transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=mean, std=std) ]) train_ds.transform = transform val_ds.transform = transform test_ds.transform = transform train_loader, val_loader, test_loader = _dataloaders_from_datasets(batch_size, train_ds, val_ds, test_ds, workers)"Dataset loaded as bidimensional data") _verify_dataset_integrity(dataset_folder, disable_dataset_integrity, enable_deep_dataset_integrity) return train_loader, val_loader, test_loader, len(train_ds.classes) except RuntimeError: logging.debug("No bidimensional found in dataset folder provided") ############################################################################################### # Verify that eventually a dataset has been correctly loaded logging.error("No datasets have been loaded. Verify dataset folder location or dataset folder structure") sys.exit(-1)
def _verify_dataset_integrity(dataset_folder, disable_dataset_integrity, enable_deep_dataset_integrity): """ Verifies dataset integrity by looking at the footprint.json in the dataset folder. In case the deep check is enable, the program will be stopped in case the check is not passed. Parameters ---------- dataset_folder : string Path string that points to the three folder train/val/test. Example: ~/../../data/svhn disable_dataset_integrity : boolean Flag to enable or disable verifying the dataset integrity enable_deep_dataset_integrity : boolean Flag to enable or disable verifying the dataset integrity in a deep fashion (check the hashes of all files) Returns ------- None """ if not disable_dataset_integrity: if enable_deep_dataset_integrity: if not verify_integrity_deep(dataset_folder): sys.exit(-1) else: verify_integrity_quick(dataset_folder) def _load_mean_std_from_file(dataset_folder, inmem, workers, runner_class): """ This function simply recovers mean and std from the analytics.csv file Parameters ---------- dataset_folder : string Path string that points to the three folder train/val/test. Example: ~/../../data/svhn inmem : boolean Flag: if False, the dataset is loaded in an online fashion i.e. only file names are stored and images are loaded on demand. This is slower than storing everything in memory. workers : int Number of workers to use for the mean/std computation runner_class: string specifies the runner class (mean and std have to be computed differently for the semantic segmentation) Returns ------- ndarray[double], ndarray[double] Mean and Std of the selected dataset, contained in the analytics.csv file. """ # Loads the analytics csv and extract mean and std try: csv_file = _load_analytics_csv(dataset_folder, inmem, workers, runner_class) mean = csv_file.ix[0, 1:3].values.astype(float) std = csv_file.ix[1, 1:3].values.astype(float) except KeyError: import sys logging.error('analytics.csv located in {} incorrectly formed. ' 'Try to delete it and run again'.format(dataset_folder)) sys.exit(-1) return mean, std def _load_analytics_csv(dataset_folder, inmem, workers, runner_class, **kwargs): """ This function loads the analytics.csv file and attempts creating it, if it is missing Parameters ---------- dataset_folder : string Path string that points to the three folder train/val/test. Example: ~/../../data/svhn inmem : boolean Flag: if False, the dataset is loaded in an online fashion i.e. only file names are stored and images are loaded on demand. This is slower than storing everything in memory. workers : int Number of workers to use for the mean/std computation runner_class: string specifies the runner class (mean and std have to be computed differently for the semantic segmentation) Returns ------- file The csv file """ # If analytics.csv file not present, run the analytics on the dataset if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dataset_folder, "analytics.csv")): logging.warning('Missing analytics.csv file for dataset located at {}'.format(dataset_folder)) try: logging.warning('Attempt creating analytics.csv file for dataset located at {}'.format(dataset_folder)) if runner_class is not None and 'segmentation' in runner_class: compute_mean_std_segmentation(dataset_folder=dataset_folder, inmem=inmem, workers=workers, filter_boundaries=True if 'divahisdb' in runner_class else False) else: compute_mean_std(dataset_folder=dataset_folder, inmem=inmem, workers=workers) logging.warning('Created analytics.csv file for dataset located at {} '.format(dataset_folder)) except: logging.error('Creation of analytics.csv failed.') sys.exit(-1) # Loads the analytics csv return pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dataset_folder, "analytics.csv"), header=None) def _dataloaders_from_datasets(batch_size, train_ds, val_ds, test_ds, workers): """ This function creates (and returns) dataloader from datasets objects Parameters ---------- batch_size : int The size of the mini batch train_ds : data.Dataset val_ds : data.Dataset test_ds : data.Dataset Train, validation and test splits workers: Number of workers to use to load the data. Returns ------- train_loader : val_loader : test_loader : The dataloaders for each split passed """ # Setup dataloaders logging.debug('Setting up dataloaders') train_loader =, shuffle=True, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True) val_loader =, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True) test_loader =, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True) return train_loader, val_loader, test_loader #######################################################################################################################
[docs]def set_up_logging(parser, experiment_name, output_folder, quiet, args_dict, debug, **kwargs): """ Set up a logger for the experiment Parameters ---------- parser : parser The argument parser experiment_name : string Name of the experiment. If not specify, accepted from command line. output_folder : string Path to where all experiment logs are stored. quiet : bool Specify whether to print log to console or only to text file debug : bool Specify the logging level args_dict : dict Contains the entire argument dictionary specified via command line. Returns ------- log_folder : String The final logging folder tree writer : tensorboardX.writer.SummaryWriter The tensorboard writer object. Used to log values on file for the tensorboard visualization. """ LOG_FILE = 'logs.txt' # Experiment name override if experiment_name is None: experiment_name = input("Experiment name:") # Recover dataset name dataset = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(kwargs['dataset_folder'])) """ We extract the TRAIN parameters names (such as model_name, lr, ... ) from the parser directly. This is a somewhat risky operation because we access _private_variables of parsers classes. However, within our context this can be regarded as safe. Shall we be wrong, a quick fix is writing a list of possible parameters such as: train_param_list = ['model_name','lr', ...] and manually maintain it (boring!). Resources: """ # Fetch all non-default parameters non_default_parameters = [] for group in parser._action_groups[2:]: if group.title not in ['GENERAL', 'DATA']: for action in group._group_actions: if (kwargs[action.dest] is not None) and ( kwargs[action.dest] != action.default) and action.dest != 'load_model': non_default_parameters.append(str(action.dest) + "=" + str(kwargs[action.dest])) # Build up final logging folder tree with the non-default training parameters log_folder = os.path.join(*[output_folder, experiment_name, dataset, *non_default_parameters, '{}'.format(time.strftime('%d-%m-%y-%Hh-%Mm-%Ss'))]) if not os.path.exists(log_folder): os.makedirs(log_folder) # Setup logging root = logging.getLogger() log_level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO root.setLevel(log_level) format = "[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)8s] --- %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)s)" date_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' if os.isatty(2): cformat = '%(log_color)s' + format formatter = colorlog.ColoredFormatter(cformat, date_format, log_colors={ 'DEBUG': 'cyan', 'INFO': 'white', 'WARNING': 'yellow', 'ERROR': 'red', 'CRITICAL': 'red,bg_white', }) else: formatter = logging.Formatter(format, date_format) if not quiet: ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setFormatter(formatter) root.addHandler(ch) fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(log_folder, LOG_FILE)) fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(format, date_format)) root.addHandler(fh)'Setup logging. Log file: {}'.format(os.path.join(log_folder, LOG_FILE))) # Save args to logs_folder'Arguments saved to: {}'.format(os.path.join(log_folder, 'args.txt'))) with open(os.path.join(log_folder, 'args.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(args_dict)) # Save all environment packages to logs_folder environment_yml = os.path.join(log_folder, 'environment.yml')'conda env export > {}'.format(environment_yml), shell=True) # Define Tensorboard SummaryWriter'Initialize Tensorboard SummaryWriter') # Add all parameters to Tensorboard writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_folder) writer.add_text('Args', json.dumps(args_dict)) return log_folder, writer
[docs]def copy_code(output_folder): """ Makes a tar file with DeepDIVA that exists during runtime. Parameters ---------- output_folder : str Path to output directory Returns ------- None """ # All file extensions to be saved by copy-code. FILE_TYPES = ['.sh', '.py'] # Get DeepDIVA root cwd = os.getcwd() dd_root = os.path.join(cwd.split('DeepDIVA')[0], 'DeepDIVA') files = get_all_files_in_folders_and_subfolders(dd_root) # Get all files types in DeepDIVA as specified in FILE_TYPES code_files = [item for item in files if item.endswith(tuple(FILE_TYPES))] tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() for item in code_files: dest = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'DeepDIVA', item.split('DeepDIVA')[1][1:]) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest)) shutil.copy(item, dest) # TODO: make it save a zipfile instead of a tarfile. with, 'DeepDIVA.tar.gz'), 'w:gz') as tar: tar.add(tmp_dir, arcname='DeepDIVA') # Clean up all temporary files shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
[docs]def set_up_env(gpu_id, seed, multi_run, no_cuda, **kwargs): """ Set up the execution environment. Parameters ---------- gpu_id : string Specify the GPUs to be used seed : int Seed all possible seeds for deterministic run multi_run : int Number of runs over the same code to produce mean-variance graph. no_cuda : bool Specify whether to use the GPU or not Returns ------- None """ # Set visible GPUs if gpu_id is not None: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = gpu_id # Check if GPU's are available gpu_available = torch.cuda.is_available() if not gpu_available and not no_cuda: logging.warning('There are no GPUs available on this system, or your NVIDIA drivers are outdated.') logging.warning('Switch to CPU only computation using --no-cuda.') sys.exit(-1) # Seed the random if seed is None: # If seed is not specified by user, select a random value for the seed and then log it. seed = np.random.randint(2 ** 32 - 1, )'Randomly chosen seed is: {}'.format(seed)) else: try: assert multi_run == None except: logging.warning('Arguments for seed AND multi-run should not be active at the same time!') raise SystemExit # Disable CuDNN only if seed is specified by user. Otherwise we can assume that the user does not want to # sacrifice speed for deterministic behaviour. # TODO: Check if setting torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic=True will ensure deterministic behavior. # Initial tests show torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic=True does not work correctly. if not no_cuda: torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False # Python random.seed(seed) # Numpy random np.random.seed(seed) # Torch random torch.manual_seed(seed) if not no_cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed)