Source code for

This script perform some analysis on the dataset provided.
In particular computes std and mean (to be used to center your dataset).

Structure of the dataset expected:

Split folders
'args.dataset-folder' has to point to the parent of the train folder.


where the dataset_folder contains the train sub-folder as follow:


Classes folders
The train split should have different classes in a separate folder with the class
name. The file name can be arbitrary (e.g does not have to be 0-* for classes 0 of MNIST).



# Utils
import argparse
import logging
import os
from multiprocessing import Pool
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image

# Torch related stuff
import torch
import torchvision
import torchvision.datasets as datasets
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from util.misc import load_numpy_image

[docs]def compute_mean_std(dataset_folder, inmem, workers): """ Computes mean and std of a dataset. Saves the results as CSV file in the dataset folder. Parameters ---------- dataset_folder : String (path) Path to the dataset folder (see above for details) inmem : Boolean Specifies whether is should be computed i nan online of offline fashion. workers : int Number of workers to use for the mean/std computation Returns ------- None """ # Getting the train dir traindir = os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'train') # Sanity check on the training folder if not os.path.isdir(traindir): logging.warning("Train folder not found in the args.dataset_folder={}".format(dataset_folder)) return # Load the dataset file names train_ds = datasets.ImageFolder(traindir, transform=transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])) # Extract the actual file names and labels as entries file_names = np.asarray([item[0] for item in train_ds.imgs]) # Compute mean and std if inmem: mean, std = cms_inmem(file_names) else: mean, std = cms_online(file_names, workers) # Check if the dataset is a multi-label dataset if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(traindir, 'labels.csv')): # Use normal class frequency computation class_frequencies_weights = _get_class_frequencies_weights(train_ds, workers) else: # Use multi-label class frequency computation class_frequencies_weights = _get_class_frequencies_weights_multilabel(os.path.join(traindir, 'labels.csv')) # Save results as CSV file in the dataset folder df = pd.DataFrame([mean, std, class_frequencies_weights]) df.index = ['mean[RGB]', 'std[RGB]', 'class_frequencies_weights[num_classes]'] df.to_csv(os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'analytics.csv'), header=False)
[docs]def compute_mean_std_segmentation(dataset_folder, inmem, workers, filter_boundaries): """ Computes mean and std of a dataset for semantic segmentation. Saves the results as CSV file in the dataset folder. Parameters ---------- dataset_folder : String (path) Path to the dataset folder (see above for details) inmem : Boolean Specifies whether is should be computed i nan online of offline fashion. workers : int Number of workers to use for the mean/std computation filter_boundaries : bool specifies whether thr boundary pixels should be removed or not Returns ------- None """ # Getting the train dir traindir = os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'train') # Load the dataset file names train_ds = datasets.ImageFolder(traindir, transform=transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])) # Extract the actual file names and labels as entries file_names_all = np.asarray([item[0] for item in train_ds.imgs]) file_names_gt = np.asarray([f for f in file_names_all if '/gt/' in f]) file_names_data = np.asarray([f for f in file_names_all if '/data/' in f]) # Compute mean and std if inmem: mean, std = cms_inmem(file_names_data) else: mean, std = cms_online(file_names_data, workers) # Compute class frequencies weights class_frequencies_weights, class_ints = _get_class_frequencies_weights_segmentation(file_names_gt, filter_boundaries) # print(class_frequencies_weights) # Save results as CSV file in the dataset folder df = pd.DataFrame([mean, std, class_frequencies_weights, class_ints]) df.index = ['mean[RGB]', 'std[RGB]', 'class_frequencies_weights[num_classes]', 'class_encodings'] df.to_csv(os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'analytics.csv'), header=False)
# Loads an image with OpenCV and returns the channel wise means of the image. def _return_mean(image_path): img = load_numpy_image(image_path) mean = np.array([np.mean(img[:, :, 0]), np.mean(img[:, :, 1]), np.mean(img[:, :, 2])]) / 255.0 return mean # Loads an image with OpenCV and returns the channel wise std of the image. def _return_std(image_path, mean): img = load_numpy_image(image_path) / 255.0 m2 = np.square(np.array([img[:, :, 0] - mean[0], img[:, :, 1] - mean[1], img[:, :, 2] - mean[2]])) return np.sum(np.sum(m2, axis=1), 1), m2.size / 3.0
[docs]def cms_online(file_names, workers): """ Computes mean and image_classification deviation in an online fashion. This is useful when the dataset is too big to be allocated in memory. Parameters ---------- file_names : List of String List of file names of the dataset workers : int Number of workers to use for the mean/std computation Returns ------- mean : double std : double """ # Set up a pool of workers pool = Pool(workers)'Begin computing the mean') # Online mean results =, file_names) mean_sum = np.sum(np.array(results), axis=0) # Divide by number of samples in train set mean = mean_sum / file_names.size'Finished computing the mean')'Begin computing the std') # Online image_classification deviation results = pool.starmap(_return_std, [[item, mean] for item in file_names]) std_sum = np.sum(np.array([item[0] for item in results]), axis=0) total_pixel_count = np.sum(np.array([item[1] for item in results])) std = np.sqrt(std_sum / total_pixel_count)'Finished computing the std') # Shut down the pool pool.close() return mean, std
[docs]def cms_inmem(file_names): """ Computes mean and image_classification deviation in an offline fashion. This is possible only when the dataset can be allocated in memory. Parameters ---------- file_names: List of String List of file names of the dataset Returns ------- mean : double std : double """ img = np.zeros([file_names.size] + list(load_numpy_image(file_names[0]).shape)) # Load all samples for i, sample in enumerate(file_names): img[i] = load_numpy_image(sample) mean = np.array([np.mean(img[:, :, :, 0]), np.mean(img[:, :, :, 1]), np.mean(img[:, :, :, 2])]) / 255.0 std = np.array([np.std(img[:, :, :, 0]), np.std(img[:, :, :, 1]), np.std(img[:, :, :, 2])]) / 255.0 return mean, std
def _get_class_frequencies_weights(dataset, workers): """ Get the weights proportional to the inverse of their class frequencies. The vector sums up to 1 Parameters ---------- train_loader: Dataloader for the training se workers: int Number of workers to use for the mean/std computation Returns ------- ndarray[double] of size (num_classes) The weights vector as a 1D array normalized (sum up to 1) """'Begin computing class frequencies weights') all_labels = None try: all_labels = [item[1] for item in dataset.imgs] except: all_labels = [item for item in dataset.labels] finally: if all_labels == None: data_loader =, batch_size=64, num_workers=workers) all_labels = [] for target, label in data_loader: all_labels.append(label) all_labels = np.concatenate(all_labels).reshape(len(dataset)) total_num_samples = len(all_labels) num_samples_per_class = np.unique(all_labels, return_counts=True)[1] class_frequencies = (num_samples_per_class / total_num_samples)'Finished computing class frequencies weights')'Class frequencies (rounded): {class_frequencies}' .format(class_frequencies=np.around(class_frequencies * 100, decimals=2))) # Normalize vector to sum up to 1.0 (in case the Loss function does not do it) return (1 / num_samples_per_class) / ((1 / num_samples_per_class).sum()) def _get_class_frequencies_weights_segmentation(gt_images, filter_boundaries): """ Get the weights proportional to the inverse of their class frequencies. The vector sums up to 1 Parameters ---------- gt_images: list of strings Path to all ground truth images, which contain the pixel-wise label workers: int Number of workers to use for the mean/std computation filter_boundaries : bool specifies whether thr boundary pixels should be removed or not Returns ------- ndarray[double] of size (num_classes) and ints the classes are represented as The weights vector as a 1D array normalized (sum up to 1) """'Begin computing class frequencies weights') total_num_pixels = 0 label_counter = {} for path in gt_images: img = np.array( if filter_boundaries: mask = img[:, :, 0].astype(np.uint8) == 128 img[mask, 2] = 1 img = img[:, :, 2].flatten() total_num_pixels += len(img) for i, j in zip(*np.unique(img, return_counts=True)): label_counter[i] = label_counter.get(i, 0) + j classes = np.array(sorted(label_counter.keys())) num_samples_per_class = np.array([label_counter[k] for k in classes]) class_frequencies = (num_samples_per_class / total_num_pixels)'Finished computing class frequencies weights')'Class frequencies (rounded): {class_frequencies}' .format(class_frequencies=np.around(class_frequencies * 100, decimals=2))) # Normalize vector to sum up to 1.0 (in case the Loss function does not do it) return (1 / num_samples_per_class) / ((1 / num_samples_per_class).sum()), classes def _get_class_frequencies_weights_coco(dataset, name_onehotindex, **kwargs): """ Get the weights proportional to the inverse of their class frequencies. The vector sums up to 1 Parameters ---------- dataset: pycocotools.coco.COCO COCO dataset loaded with the pycocotools and the torchvision dataset loader classes: dict dictionary containing the class names and the corresponding index for argmax Returns ------- ndarray[double] of size (num_classes) The weights vector as a 1D array normalized (sum up to 1) """'Begin computing class frequencies weights') count_labels = {v: 0 for v in name_onehotindex.values()} for (_, gt_mask) in dataset: for k, v in zip(*np.unique(np.array(gt_mask).flatten(), return_counts=True)): count_labels[k] += v total_num_samples = sum(count_labels.values()) num_samples_per_class = np.array([count_labels[k] for k in sorted(count_labels.keys())]) class_frequencies = (num_samples_per_class / total_num_samples)'Finished computing class frequencies weights')'Class frequencies (rounded): {class_frequencies}' .format(class_frequencies=np.around(class_frequencies * 100, decimals=2))) # Normalize vector to sum up to 1.0 (in case the Loss function does not do it) return (1 / num_samples_per_class) / ((1 / num_samples_per_class).sum()) def _get_class_frequencies_weights_multilabel(dataset_labels): """ Computes the weights for each class (as required by torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss). The weight for each class is #neg_samples/#pos_samples. Parameters ---------- dataset_folder: Path to a labels.csv file with labels for each training sample Returns ------- ndarray[double] of size (num_classes) The weights vector as a 1D array """'Begin computing class weights') labels_df = pd.read_csv(dataset_labels) classes = labels_df.columns labels = labels_df.values # Replace all -1 with 0 labels[labels == -1] = 0 # Remove the filenames labels = labels[:, 1:] weights = [] for i in range(len(labels[0])): pos = len(np.where(labels[:, i] == 1)[0]) neg = len(labels) - pos weight = neg / pos weights.append(weight) weights = np.array(weights)'Finished computing class weights')'Class weights (rounded): {}'.format(np.around(weights, decimals=2))) return weights if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(filename)s:%(funcName)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO ) ############################################################################### # Argument Parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description='This script perform some analysis on the dataset provided') parser.add_argument('--dataset-folder', help='location of the dataset on the machine e.g root/data', required=True, type=str) parser.add_argument('--online', action='store_true', help='Compute it in an online fashion (because it probably will not fin in memory') args = parser.parse_args() compute_mean_std(dataset_folder=args.dataset_folder,