Source code for

This script generate the integrity footprint on the dataset provided.
Such a footprint can be used to verify that the data has no been modified, altered or manipulated.
The integrity of the dataset can be verified in two ways: quick and deep.
The former is very fast and uses a high level type of verification such as recently modified files and file counts.
The latter basically re-compute the footprint and verifies if it matches the existing one. This is slow and should
be used only when the integrity of the dataset is a critical matter.

Structure of the dataset expected can be found at:

# Utils
import argparse
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
from stat import S_ISDIR, S_ISREG
import time

[docs]def generate_integrity_footprint(dataset_folder): """ This function generates the integrity footprint on the dataset provided. Such a footprint can be used to verify that the data has no been modified, altered or manipulated. The footprint file will contain the following information in a JSON format: { path : <string> // Path to this folder where the last step is the name of the folder last_modified : <date> // This correspond to the most recent 'last modified' in the dataset files : { // For each file { file_name : <string> // The filename as string file_hash : <hash> // This is the hash of the content }, ... } folders : { // For each folder, recursion // Recursion but NO last_modified (not needed anymore) ] } Parameters ---------- dataset_folder : String (path) Path to the dataset folder (see above for details) Returns ------- A dictionary of the format explained in generate_integrity_footprint() above. """"Generating the footprint of: {}".format(dataset_folder)) data = _process_folder(dataset_folder) data['last_modified'] = get_last_modified(dataset_folder)'Footprint generated successfully') return data
[docs]def get_last_modified(dataset_folder): """ Elaborates the most recent 'last_modified' tag by scanning all files in the root folder and sub-folders. This routine excludes the 'footprint.json' file which, if taken into account, would prevent the verification process to succeed (as it modifies the last modified of the root itself). Parameters ---------- dataset_folder : String (path) Path to the dataset folder Returns ------- last_modified : String A string representing the last modified of the entire folder """ # NOTE: To speed up this process it would be possible to only look # the last_modified of the files and folders in the root. This is # dangerous because if a files gets modified in the sub-folders it # does not modify the last_modified of its parent folder. However, # that would be very quick. last_modified = 0 for root, folders, files in os.walk(dataset_folder): if 'footprint.json' in files: files.remove('footprint.json') if not files: continue tmp = max([os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(root, f)) for f in files]) last_modified = max(tmp, last_modified) return str(time.ctime(last_modified))
def _process_folder(path): """ Recursively descend the directory tree rooted at path, calling _process_file() function for each regular file Parameters ---------- path : String (path) Path to folder to navigate Returns ------- A dictionary of the format explained in generate_integrity_footprint() above. """ logging.debug("Exploring folder: {}".format(path)) # Init the dictionary to host the data data = {} data['files'] = [] data['folders'] = [] data['path'] = path # Iterate in all files into the folder for f in os.scandir(path=path): # Need to skip the footprint.json if == 'footprint.json': continue pathname = os.path.join(path, mode = os.stat(pathname).st_mode if S_ISDIR(mode): # It's a directory, recurse into it data['folders'].append(_process_folder(pathname)) elif S_ISREG(mode): # It's a file, hash it data['files'].append(_process_file(pathname)) else: # Unknown file type, print a message print('Unknown file type, skipping %s' % pathname) return data def _process_file(path): """ Hashes a file and returns its filename with it in a dictionary format Parameters ---------- path : String (path) Path to the file Returns ------- A dictionary with the filename and its hash """ BLOCKSIZE = 65536 hasher = hashlib.sha1() with open(path, 'rb') as afile: buf = while len(buf) > 0: hasher.update(buf) buf = data = {} data['file_name'] = path data['file_hash'] = hasher.hexdigest() return data
[docs]def verify_integrity_quick(dataset_folder): """ This function verifies that the 'last_modified' field still corresponds to the one contained in the footprint. This check is verify fast, but it comes at a price. The OS updates this number when files are added or removed to the folder, but NOT if a file is modified. Because of this, it is not 100% safe and especially does NOT protect you against malicious attacks! To have a safe check whether the data is the same you should rely on the slower verify_integrity_deep() function. Parameters ---------- dataset_folder : String (path) Path to the dataset folder (see above for details) Returns ------- Boolean Is the 'last_modified' field still actual? """"Verifying the dataset integrity - quick") try: with open(os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'footprint.json')) as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) old_timestamp = data['last_modified'] new_timestamp = get_last_modified(dataset_folder)"Newly measured timestamp: {}".format(new_timestamp)) if old_timestamp == new_timestamp:"Dataset integrity verified (quick). The dataset has not been modified") return True else: logging.error("The dataset has been modified. The last_modified field does not match: old[{}] new[{}]" .format(old_timestamp, new_timestamp)) return False except FileNotFoundError: logging.error("Missing footprint. Cannot verify dataset integrity.") logging.warning("Creating a new footprint, since it is missing.") data = generate_integrity_footprint(dataset_folder=dataset_folder) save_footprint(dataset_folder=dataset_folder, filename='footprint.json', data=data) return False
[docs]def verify_integrity_deep(dataset_folder): """ This function basically re-compute the footprint and verifies if it matches the existing one. This is slow and should be used only when the integrity of the dataset is a critical matter. Parameters ---------- dataset_folder : String (path) Path to the dataset folder (see above for details) Returns ------- Boolean Is the dataset footprint still matching the data? """"Verifying the dataset integrity - deep") try: with open(os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'footprint.json')) as json_file: old_data = json.load(json_file) new_data = generate_integrity_footprint(dataset_folder) if old_data == new_data:"Dataset integrity verified (deep). The dataset has not been modified") return True else: logging.error("The dataset has been modified. The footprints does not match.") added, removed, modified, same = dict_compare(old_data, new_data) data = {} data['added'] = ', '.join(added) data['removed'] = ', '.join(removed) data['modified'] = modified data['same'] = ', '.join(same) with open(os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'differences_footprint.json'), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) return False except FileNotFoundError: logging.error("Missing footprint. Cannot verify dataset integrity.") logging.warning("Creating a new footprint, since it is missing.") data = generate_integrity_footprint(dataset_folder=dataset_folder) save_footprint(dataset_folder=dataset_folder, filename='footprint.json', data=data) return False
[docs]def dict_compare(d1, d2): """ Parameters ---------- d1 : Dictionary d2 : Dictionary Dictionaries to compare Returns ------- added, removed, modified, same Sets with the element which has been respectively added, removed, modified or stayed the same """ d1_keys = set(d1.keys()) d2_keys = set(d2.keys()) intersect_keys = d1_keys.intersection(d2_keys) added = d1_keys - d2_keys removed = d2_keys - d1_keys modified = {o : (d1[o], d2[o]) for o in intersect_keys if d1[o] != d2[o]} same = set(o for o in intersect_keys if d1[o] == d2[o]) return added, removed, modified, same
[docs]def save_footprint(dataset_folder, filename, data): """ Save the footprint on file system Parameters ---------- dataset_folder : String (path) Path to the dataset folder (see above for details) filename : String Name of the file where the data will be saved data : dictionary The actual data in JSON compliant format Returns ------- None """ with open(os.path.join(dataset_folder, filename), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile)
if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(filename)s:%(funcName)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO ) ############################################################################### # Argument Parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description='This script generate the integrity footprint on the dataset provided') parser.add_argument('--dataset-folder', help='location of the dataset on the machine e.g root/data', required=True, type=str) args = parser.parse_args() data = generate_integrity_footprint(dataset_folder=args.dataset_folder) save_footprint(dataset_folder=args.dataset_folder, filename='footprint.json', data=data)