util.evaluation.metrics package


util.evaluation.metrics.accuracy module

util.evaluation.metrics.accuracy.accuracy(predicted, target, topk=1)[source]

Computes the accuracy@K for the specified values of K

From https://github.com/pytorch/examples/blob/master/imagenet/main.py

  • predicted (torch.FloatTensor) – The predicted output values of the model. The size is batch_size x num_classes

  • target (torch.LongTensor) – The ground truth for the corresponding output. The size is batch_size x 1

  • topk (tuple) – Multiple values for K can be specified in a tuple, and the different accuracies@K will be computed.


res – List of accuracies computed at the different K’s specified in topk

Return type


util.evaluation.metrics.accuracy.accuracy_segmentation(label_trues, label_preds, n_class)[source]

Taken from https://github.com/wkentaro/pytorch-fcn Calculates the accuracy measures for the segmentation runner

  • label_trues (matrix (batch size x H x W)) – contains the true class labels for each pixel

  • label_preds (matrix ((batch size x H x W)) – contains the predicted class for each pixel

  • n_class (int) – number possible classes

  • border_pixel (boolean) – true if border pixel value should be


Return type

overall accuracy, mean accuracy, mean IU, fwavacc

util.evaluation.metrics.apk module

util.evaluation.metrics.apk.apk(query, predicted, k='full')[source]

Computes the average precision@k.

  • query (int) – Query label.

  • predicted (List(int)) – Ordered list where each element is a label.

  • k (str or int) – If int, cutoff for retrieval is set to K If str, ‘full’ means cutoff is til the end of predicted

    ‘auto’ means cutoff is set to number of relevant queries.


    query = 0 predicted = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0] if k == ‘full’, then k is set to 5 if k == ‘auto’, then k is set to num of ‘query’ values in ‘predicted’, i.e., k=3 as there as 3 of them in ‘predicted’


Average Precision@k

Return type


util.evaluation.metrics.apk.compute_mapk(distances, labels, k, workers=None)[source]

Convenience function to convert a grid of pairwise distances to predicted elements, to evaluate mean average precision (at K).

  • distances (ndarray) – A numpy array containing pairwise distances between all elements

  • labels (list) – Ground truth labels for every element

  • k (int) – Maximum number of predicted elements


  • float – The mean average precision@K.

  • dict{label, float} – The per class mean averages precision @k

util.evaluation.metrics.apk.mapk(query, predicted, k=None, workers=1)[source]

Compute the mean Average Precision@K.

  • query (list) – List of queries.

  • predicted (list of list, or generator to list of lists) – Predicted responses for each query. Supports chunking with slices in the first dimension.

  • k (str or int) – If int, cutoff for retrieval is set to k If str, ‘full’ means cutoff is til the end of predicted

    ‘auto’ means cutoff is set to number of relevant queries.

    For e.g.,

    query = 0 predicted = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0] if k == ‘full’, then k is set to 5 if k == ‘auto’, then k is set to num of query values in predicted, i.e., k`=3 as there as 3 of them in `predicted.

  • workers (int) – Number of parallel workers used to compute the AP@k


  • float – The mean average precision@K.

  • dict{label, float} – The per class mean averages precision @k

util.evaluation.metrics.test_accuracy module


util.evaluation.metrics.test_apk module

Module contents